by Dwayne Edward Rourke

With the discoveries of quantum physics, it is evident that light is the source and universal medium of exchange throughout the universe as we know it. As individual humans, on a planet hurtling through space, we live, move, and have our being in a galactic ocean of light. What I reveal to you in these pages is an introduction to a spiritual technology that is about navigating our way more and more consciously and successfully upon this galactic ocean.

Every New Moon, Sun and Moon conjoin in the sky and a process of ordered unfoldment begins. The complete cycle of this unfoldment, from one New Moon to the next, is what is known as the lunation cycle. It is a process analogous to the growth of a plant from seed, to shoot, to stem, and leaves, to flower, and back to seed.

The Lunation Cycle

The lunation cycle is a cosmic metaphor to this process. It is known as a cycle of relationship. Cycles of relationship are cycles that relate two distinct entities for a specific length of time and reveal themselves through a process having a beginning, a middle, and an end.

When cycles repeat, what changes are the contents contained within the cycle, not the structure of the cycle itself.The lunation cycle is the most obvious astronomical analogy to this universal process. It can be seen as a kind of "building block of experience", a discrete unit in a neverending evolutionary process sourced by the Sun.

When used in a way such as I am presenting here, the lunation cycle is seen as a powerful, cosmic metaphor capable of guiding each of us into a deep re-membrance of our cosmic origins as Light. For, seen in this mythic way, the lunation cycle is an extraordinary model of an ordered and measured process of transformation which periodically and perennially, returns to its Source. In the case of the lunation cycle, that point of eternal return is where the Moon is lost to the radiance of the Sun: New Moon.

In 1986, New Moon became, for me, a very potent point of creative origination linking two indigenous cultures to which I had become passionately engaged: Hopi and Mayan. My many-year attunement to the lunation cycle suddenly one day led me into a transcendent realm of consciousness I now call The Temple of the Feathered Serpent.


According to the Maya, humans have four distinct minds symbolized by four hieroglyphs from the sacredTzolkin calendar. These minds are only potentially activated in each of us. Steps must be taken to bring them to life and to integrate their powers.



The first Mayan mind is signified by hieroglyph CHICCHAN. CHICCHAN refers to the reptilian mind with its qualities of regular transformation and change, through molting.

The second Mayan mind is that signified by hieroglyph OC. OC refers to the mammalian mind of Man, the one we are most familiar. As mammals, we are birthed live, not hatched. Because of our initial vulnerability, we are in need of close nurturance. This develops in us a degree of loyalty and faithfulness to those who care for us and with whom we develop all manner of emotional connectedness.

Hieroglyph MEN refers to the Mind of the Planet, what futurist Peter Russell refers to as the Global Brain. It is the symbolic ally of all who sustain an intention to align themselves with a Greater Reality of Spirit, a reality inaccessible to a merely casual or parochial view of life. MEN is present in all endeavours aimed at expanding human consciousness.

The Maya refer to AHAU as the Solar Mind, the Mind of Light, the resonance of human consciousness with the consciousness of the Sun. AHAU refers to unconditional love, teamwork, the magic of flowers. It is the Mesoamerican equivalent of Christ consciousness and represents the ultimate goal of any Mayan spiritual practice.



In order to move toward the goal of developing Ahau consciousness, it is useful to view each Mayan mind as having one of four available bodies: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. These bodies naturally align with the four major sectors of the lunation cycle. Most mass-market calendars provide this level of information to us.

PHYSICAL BODY- New Moon to First Quarter

New Moon is a natural starting point for the attunement process. A New Moon occurs every 29.5 days, and it is at New Moon that the angular separation between Sun and Moon, as viewed from the Earth, reaches a zero point. New Moon, therefore, represents a condition of great potential energy. The whole rest of the cyclic process lies dormant at this time. It is the realm of the idea. Quantum physicists would call it an apex of quantum potential. Mystics might refer to it as the Godhead.

The physical body is the densest octave of a multidimensional body of light. It acts as the three dimensional vibratory vehicle, or resonator, through which multi-dimensional energies may flow to Earth. Contained within the physical body are cellular memories both recent and ancient. Much of the work of being alive in a physical body is about activating and releasing these memories so that new, more vitalised energy can flow through. New moon to first quarter is an especially good time to do this by honouring the body and its inner knowing, its instinct. Instinct is the body's way of spontaneously weaving a continuous web of purpose, the purpose for which we were born. Instinct is that kind of knowing that does not question or deliberate before action. It is the kind of knowing that rises up from a deep reservoir of racial memory within each one of us. It is instantaneous in its expression. Such instinctive knowing is grounded in self-trust and essential beingness. It is the kind of knowing that culture immediately begins to subsume under a barage of expectations and conformities. It is the kind of knowing that is retained by those living in harmony with the Earth and with natural cycles, because it is the kind of knowing that understands the nature of impermanence.

EMOTIONAL BODY-First Quarter to Full Moon

The second sector of the lunation cycle refers to the emotional body, an entity unto itself and one that has its own consciousness and its own laws of reality. Significantly, it has an unmanifest portion that dwells in ecstatic realms and will guide us there, if we let it, for the emotional body is the body of our heart's desires. Through repeated experiences of unconditional love and acceptance of ourselves, blockages thwarting the manifestation of these desires, can vanish.

The resistance and blockages we experience in the physical and emotional bodies are primarily ego-survival mechanisms constraining our response patterns within narrow themes, themes dictated by fear. The ego, however, can be released from fear through the experience of states of ecstasy and wonderment. In fact, it can become a focused lens for the release of the divine energy of spirit. This occurs when, through self-acceptance and surrender, we are able to spontaneously open to ever-higher centres of consciousness within us, and to unleash creative insight and action. As a result, the range of response themes we are able to create, increases, as do our chances for survival in an increasingly complex world.

Action is a keynote for the emotional body and it is through deliberate action, in alignment to our heart's desires, that we move ahead, in wholeness. The consequences of such action may nevertheless bring us into difficulties. Experiences of overcoming must be faced, and this is where a period of introspection and refinement is required. Such is the nature of the time just preceding the full moon, and the full moon itself, presents a powerful image of the successful completion of such a period of overcoming. It reveals also, the feminine principle in its form as the Divine Mother, shedding her light unconditionally onto all who come within her radiance.

MENTAL BODY-Full Moon to Last Quarter

Direct experience of a Full Moon can, perhaps more than any other experience related to the lunar cycle, inspire in us, a conscious understanding of wholeness. This is because we simultaneously "see,"and "feel", the essence of wholeness that the full moon disc embodies. This has been so for millennia, and is still so, for those of us whose lives allow for a conscious connection to this natural phenomenon. Within a current lunation cycle, Full Moon can assist us to own, fully, our own visionary capacity.

From the illumination and objectivity that an encounter with the Full Moon can bring us, we can consciously begin to release meaning from the forms we have created in our lives since the previous New Moon. We interpret, we explain, we disseminate ideas through words, images, actions. In this way, we fully engage our mental body, the body of the intellect, the cogitating mind.

That cogitating mind has both a higher, and a lower, aspect. One component (the "lower", keeps us grounded in practicality and analysis. The other component allows us to journey into the depths of our unconscious, through an activated intuition. When both our analytical and our intuitive modes are brought together as one, a leap is made into what ancient Chinese seers called the Mind of Tao or as Dane Rudhyar once put it, the Mind of Wholeness.

Development of the Mind of Wholeness empowers us to identify for ourselves, deeper and deeper realms of the spiritual heritage to which we are heir. Such depth penetration of our own unconscious can precipitate moments of rapture and ecstasy. These moments are true gifts of the spirit and are necessary, to raise the vibrations of our physical/emotional bodies. A thorough, ongoing, meditative practice of lunation attunement can facilitate this type of deep journeying, and can bring us to the threshold of revelation and prophecy, the natural domain of the spiritual body.

SPIRITUAL BODY - Last Quarter to New Moon

From the Last quarter to New Moon each month, we are given the opportunity to open to our most universal realms being, for during this time, we develop depth perception. For it is during this time that our deepest spiritual nature can shine through to a consciousness which has readied itself to receive. For this to happen, and for the spiritual body to be truly honoured, the ego must surrender control in order to experience itself on a cosmic, universal, level. Having had such an experience, it can become a self-consecrated source, giving form to the as-yet-unmanifest revelations coming to it from a newer, more inclusive domain of consciousness. In this way, the ego itself, completes the cycle of death and rebirth symbolized by the lunation cycle. It stands ready to begin again, the spiral dance of yet another cycle of incarnation.


Our minds are our own to the extent that we take responsibility for them. The paths we tread in our own self-realization need not be ones out of balance with the rest of Creation. The paths we take can be beauty paths, paths that include both our light side and our dark side, each in cyclically-balanced measure. We can together embark on a mystical journey of renewal and regeneration, a journey that could bring to each of us, a deep sense of participation and purpose. Thereby can we, ourselves, become generative sources of unity on this planet. We could become increasingly empowered to join one-heartedly with Hopi, Maya and other like-mindeds, to protect both land and life, and hold the world in balance.

"Together with all nations,
we protect both land and life
and hold the world in balance."

Hopi prayer

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